Thursday, March 4, 2010

The first one

So, I have decided to join the rest of the blogging world. Though I have lots to say, I will try to keep my thoughts short. Can't always promise that it will be lighthearted - life does not work that way, does it?

Today I attended my daughter's 5th grade recognition meeting at her school. Wow! I had no idea how intense it would be! Since I had a jam-packed day at school, I thought I could probably run over to the meeting for 20-25 minutes. An HOUR and a HALF later, I left the meeting (which was still in progress). The good news - we got a lot accomplished. The bad news - we have very little $$ to work with, which equals fundraising. All of this has caused me to stop and think.

I cannot believe she is old enough to be leaving elementary school. The day she started kindergarten, I was a mess. I tried so hard to be brave as we walked her down her hallway to her classroom. She was so excited to go and meet new friends. As I plastered a smile on my face, I watched other mamas and daddys usher their little ones into the classrooms. Then, as they turned away, they winced with visible pain as they walked away. I, too, winced with visible pain as I sent her off into the brightly-decorated classroom.

Now, five and a half years later, I am facing the same heart-wrenching pain....5th grade graduation. Thank goodness I have a few more months to digest this milestone!
