Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A rant

I am not sure why I feel the need lately to rant, but it is there. Maybe it is caused by my girl...I know I should not get annoyed when boys are....well, just boys, but I cannot help it. I want nothing other than my girl to be happy and loved. Young love is hard. Throw in social media (Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, FB), texting, prom, break-ups and high school drama, and it equals strife.

There is too much negativity today on social media; what is going on lately? Social media sites have become a playground for complaints. What good can come of that? NONE! And don't even get me started on complaining. Living positive is a choice - sometimes you have to fake it until you make it. Seriously. Put your best foot forward. If you are in a bad mood when you wake up, go back to bed. If you can't go back to bed due to life's obligations, then make the best of it. No one wants to be pulled down by negativity. (lol Maybe I should listen to my own advice since this post is a bit on the negative side....or is it just my normal sassy-ness coming out??)

Nevertheless, the most solid advice I can give is to make the best of it. Don't make matters worse by overthinking the situation. Think about the other people involved. Don't hurt someone else's feelings. Stand up for what you believe. Defend the ones you adore. Love one another. Be real. Tweet positive. Make a new friend. Accept people for who they are. Be willing to be vulnerable. Take a chance. Be willing to share...but don't cheat. Be real. Love Jesus.

This advice might be hard. Let's face it - who wants to be real in a world of fake? But, you will be happier when you are being true to yourself.