Thursday, November 3, 2011
A month of thankfulness
I know, I know. I'm a few days late starting my annual blog of thankfulness. However, these days have been eventful with Dad in the hospital. With that in mind, today I am thankful for knowledge. As I walked into my dad's hospital room this morning at MCV, I was greeted by a research team. This team of cardio nurses was sent by Dad's doctor to discuss a new cath healing procedure. While we certainly know there are risks in participating in research, Dad felt the benefits outweighed the risks. As we all know, MCV is a teaching hospital. Dad's doctor is truly the best heart surgeon in the area. His team elected Dad to participate in this study. Basically a process was created to minimize the effects of a cath procedure. Normally patients must lie completely flat for eight hours or so after a cath procedure. Today they used a new collagen procedure to close the pucture to his artery created by the cath. No kidding, he was out of the bed and moving around in just a little over an hour. Remember, he is in the best teaching hospital in the state, and he has the best doctors and nurses. I am so impressed with the intelligence that surrounded me today. I am thankful for his doctor's detailed report. I am thankful for the rep who showed me and Mom a simulated procedure on a model. I am impressed! And, of course, I am thankful for my dad's good report - no blockages in or around his heart!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Are you missing out? I am!
Have you ever had one of those weeks (or months) when you seemed like you were going 100 miles a minute every minute of the day? How do you manage to make time for your extras? I am running into trouble with my friends because I am so busy. I don't try to avoid them - I promise that is never the case. I just simply am exhausted after working for so many hours during the day. The guilt I have over not being a good friend is heavy tonight. Anyone have suggestions for how to balance friendships better? Please don't give me pat answers like make a date or choose a night to call one another once a week. I also know that if they are my true friends then they understand that I am busy - but that answer is not good enough for me. I miss my girls!
So, what has worked for you? Help!
So, what has worked for you? Help!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The last day?
How have you been blessed? Are you thankful? What are the blessings in your life?
After I wrote Day 29 of my blog, I decided I did not want to stop. I could not bring myself to write about my last day of thanksgiving. So, I have decided to leave Day 30 open. I am thankful for so much in my life that I cannot make one final comment, so instead, I will ask you how have you been blessed? For what are you thankful in your life? What are your blessings?
I want to hear from you! Happy writing.
And now I am on to my next writing project....more to come soon.
After I wrote Day 29 of my blog, I decided I did not want to stop. I could not bring myself to write about my last day of thanksgiving. So, I have decided to leave Day 30 open. I am thankful for so much in my life that I cannot make one final comment, so instead, I will ask you how have you been blessed? For what are you thankful in your life? What are your blessings?
I want to hear from you! Happy writing.
And now I am on to my next writing project....more to come soon.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
day 29 - one day to go
Today I was blessed with a visit for our friends Erin and Bruce LePoint. We first met this couple when we traveled to New Orleans 2 1/2 years ago. I enjoyed catching up with them today and their cute kids.
I love living so close to church. The short distance makes life soooo much easier. After living 25 miles (at least) away from most places we frequented, this close location is such a blessing. Today after church we were able to come home, fix dinner, eat, and visit without feeling rushed.
The grape arbor |
So, to sum up my thankfulness today, they are for this blog, for visits with friends, for our new house, for the glorious sunshine and flowers and for friendship!
day 28 - ahs
We spent the evening with my friends from work at a faculty evening at Atlee. I was super impressed. I didn't really know what to expect, however, the decorations were elegant, the food was yummy and the company was enjoyable. Thanks, Atlee administrative team, for a fun night.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
day 27 - Friday night posted late
Today I am thankful for Friday nights. Unfortunately, the last three or four weekends I have battled allergies! ugh!! This Friday night afforded me the chance to watch the Blue Devils in the ACC tourni and the chance to snooze on my sofa. Last Friday night was spent at Mr. AHS - a hilarious male pageant at Atlee. The two previous Friday nights we went to dinner with good friends. Yay for the weekend!
day 26 my birthday - posted late
Today I am thankful for my Facebook friends and family. As I logged onto FB on Thursday night, I knew I would have a few messages about my birthday, but I was shocked to have as many as I actually did! Thanks, friends, for remembering me on my special day. I am truly touched by your friendship.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
day 25 - church folk
Today I am thankful for the people in our choir at church. Oh my goodness - they are a riot! Tonight we were practicing the gospel song "We've come this far by faith." Morgan, our director, envisioned the choir walking up the aisle to the choir loft while the praise team helps lead the congregation in the song. After rehearsing the song several hundred times, Morgan decides it was time for the choir to practice walking and singing. Mind you, he said WALKING and singing. Instead of walking, the men who led off the procession starting dancing - old, white people dancing. One fella looked like he was trying to do the Funky Chicken - except the chicken had epilepsy. I have not laughed so hard in weeks. Whew! If I can't keep a straight face on Sunday morning while singing this song, it will be from the visions from tonight's dance. How fun it is to fellowship together while praising our Lord!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
day 24 - chocolate!
Just in case you were living under a rock today, Fat Tuesday was celebrated today. This "celebration" is one day where all indulgences are allowed - for some, the sky is the limit. For me, chocolate is my limit. I have decided to give up chocolate for lent. Though I am Baptist (we don't traditionally recognize/celebrate lent), for the past several years I have decided to sacrifice something I really love. For the third year running, I have decided to give up chocolate.
So, since today is the last day I can eat chocolate for 40 days or so, I am thankful for it. I enjoyed a yummy cup of hot chocolate (with vanilla soy milk) for dinner and some delicious Girl Scout thin mint cookies for dessert. Just typing these items makes a smile cross my face. I am definitely addicted to chocolate, so what better way to sacrifice than to do so with one of my favorite foods?!
As you celebrate this season leading to Easter, I hope you will give up something to remember the sacrifice Christ made on the cross for you and me.
So, since today is the last day I can eat chocolate for 40 days or so, I am thankful for it. I enjoyed a yummy cup of hot chocolate (with vanilla soy milk) for dinner and some delicious Girl Scout thin mint cookies for dessert. Just typing these items makes a smile cross my face. I am definitely addicted to chocolate, so what better way to sacrifice than to do so with one of my favorite foods?!
As you celebrate this season leading to Easter, I hope you will give up something to remember the sacrifice Christ made on the cross for you and me.
Monday, March 7, 2011
day 23 - bacon, yummy bacon
Today's topic is a bit strange, but I am thankful for bacon. David spoils me rotten and makes my lunch each school day. Today my sandwich had a slice of bacon on it. Oh my goodness - I don't know if I was extra hungry, but the sandwich was delish!
Since we are members of Sam's Club, we buy a few grocery items from their store. One of the finds we discovered is their bacon. It is so very good! Yummy! I want to go cook some bacon right now so I can eat it!
Since we are members of Sam's Club, we buy a few grocery items from their store. One of the finds we discovered is their bacon. It is so very good! Yummy! I want to go cook some bacon right now so I can eat it!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Day 22 - crafty
I found out today that March is national craft month. Hannah thinks this title is hilarious - and fitting - for our family. I am thankful for the ability (and desire) to craft! Today I made a book wreath and a regular floral wreath. I hung the book wreath upstairs in my hallway and the floral wreath on my front door.
A few months ago I saw someone's blog about a wreath they created using pages from a novel purchased from the Dollar Store. I decided to copy the idea.
When David and I moved into our first house in Asheboro, NC, we inherited many belongings from the previous (and only) owner. One of those items was a beatiful wash stand. We also found many old books in the attic. While the books' subjects didn't appeal to me, I hated to throw them away. So, I boxed them up and brought them with us when we moved back to Richmond in 2000. The books have stayed in the same box and now have found a new home in our attic. When I decided to make this wreath, I knew I could use one of these old books. I found a novel, Fire in the Waters, copyright 1951, and decided it fit my needs. The book was close to 400 pages so I knew it would most likely be the correct length to make this wreath. I started ripping pages out and hot gluing them in. An hour later my "masterpiece" was ready to hang.
I thought it would be a good idea to hang the wreath over the wash stand since both items came from the house in Asheboro. Because the pages of the book were close to the color of my walls, I decided to add the book's hardback cover to the center of the wreath.
Voila - my creation.
A few months ago I saw someone's blog about a wreath they created using pages from a novel purchased from the Dollar Store. I decided to copy the idea.
When David and I moved into our first house in Asheboro, NC, we inherited many belongings from the previous (and only) owner. One of those items was a beatiful wash stand. We also found many old books in the attic. While the books' subjects didn't appeal to me, I hated to throw them away. So, I boxed them up and brought them with us when we moved back to Richmond in 2000. The books have stayed in the same box and now have found a new home in our attic. When I decided to make this wreath, I knew I could use one of these old books. I found a novel, Fire in the Waters, copyright 1951, and decided it fit my needs. The book was close to 400 pages so I knew it would most likely be the correct length to make this wreath. I started ripping pages out and hot gluing them in. An hour later my "masterpiece" was ready to hang.
I thought it would be a good idea to hang the wreath over the wash stand since both items came from the house in Asheboro. Because the pages of the book were close to the color of my walls, I decided to add the book's hardback cover to the center of the wreath.
Voila - my creation.
Day 21 - yard work, again!
I love working in my yard; today I am thankful for the ability to work in my yard. We worked outside all day on Saturday. David and I pulled up the rest of the silt fence. I love driving the tractor. I like to think that my granddaddy would have been proud of me for driving it. The yard is looking so much better. David and Dad knocked down a bush that was blocking the old road. Before Lydell Drive was created, a dirt road basically passed through what is now my front yard. Since my granddaddy died almost 30 years ago, brush has taken over a lot of the creek and the woods. We are slowly making progress by clearing out the vines and briars. It has been great creating memories of turning my yard into a new creation.
While we were working on the fence, Hannah continued to build her fort. Hannah and Mom found an old picnic table top further down on Grandma's property. We don't know where it came from, but Hannah cleaned it off and is now using it for a bridge to cross the creek. She spent several hours playing while we were also playing. :)
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Pulling up the silt fence - a tedious process as the fence and the stakes were 2 feet in the ground! |
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Dad knocking down the giant bush that blocked the old road. |
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Hannah working to clean her new bridge near her fort. |
Day 20 - teenagers
Though their lives are most often filled with drama, I am thankful for teenagers! I love teaching high school. Every day at school, without fail, a teenager makes me smile. So many of them have naive expectations for our world - oh to be young again! hahaha I remember as a teenager that I thought 25 was old; 35 was ancient. I thought my life would be over at 40 - no one over 40 has any fun - or at least, that's what I thought as a teenager. I realized the other day that I was officially "old" when one of my newspaper students asked me what I did on the weekend. I told her we usually go out at least one night of the weekend or try to spend time with our friends. She asked if I only did laundry and went to the grocery store - ah! I did both this weekend! Oh well. One day they will get it - just like I now get it. :)
Friday, March 4, 2011
Day 19 - posted late
Today I am thankful for North Run Baptist Church's prekindergarten program. Hannah attended this program for two years as a 3 and 4 year old. She loved it! Jaden attends there now. Last night the school had its annual art show. They kids are so dang cute! The teachers (one of whom is my amazing mom) allow the kids to show their creativity....and the love of art is born. Thank you, NRBC pre-k ladies, for your time and devotion to the program.
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Jaden's art from the NRBC pre-k art show |
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Day 18 - HANNAH!
I am sooo very proud of my baby girl for winning Outstanding GA of the year for the state of VA. Hannah receives tuition to GA camp this summer where she will be a guest speaker. She also will speak to a group of girls at the Mom and Me camp in Lynchburg in April! Another speaking engagement will come this fall when she speaks at the statewide WMU conference in Lynchburg - time to brush up on her public speaking skills! :)
Have I mentioned I am proud of her? I am thankful for her sweet spirit, kind and giving nature, and her fun-loving personality. I love you, Hannah!
Have I mentioned I am proud of her? I am thankful for her sweet spirit, kind and giving nature, and her fun-loving personality. I love you, Hannah!
Day 17 - posted late
Today I am thankful for an uneventful Club Picture Day at Atlee! We had close to 70 clubs take pictures in the auditorium - that's a heck of a lot of kids coming through those doors in one day. My yearbook students ran the day - and they did an amazing job! I am thankful for these students and their dedication to the school and the book. I am also thankful we didn't have any problems!!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Day 16- for a man who cooks
Yummy! I am so thankful for my good man - who cooks! He is such an amazing cook. Today, after a long day at school, I come home to a yummy meal of grilled fish, seasoned to perfection, jasmine rice and peas. This meal is my favorite!
When David and I met, we laughed often at our reversed roles. In college and our early years of marriage, I hated to cook. So, David and I agreed that he would cook and I would clean up. After our first few years of married life, I quickly realized what a mess he makes when he cooks! Whew!
Though we share the cooking responsibilities a bit more equally now (he cooks during the week, I cook on weekends and when I am out of school on breaks), I love that he cooks! I love my man!
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This meal was my Valentine's Day meal...yummy! |
When David and I met, we laughed often at our reversed roles. In college and our early years of marriage, I hated to cook. So, David and I agreed that he would cook and I would clean up. After our first few years of married life, I quickly realized what a mess he makes when he cooks! Whew!
Though we share the cooking responsibilities a bit more equally now (he cooks during the week, I cook on weekends and when I am out of school on breaks), I love that he cooks! I love my man!
Day 15 - another late post
I have decided that the weekends are almost too busy for my to post on my blog! On Sunday David and I worked on more yard work after church. David built a grape arbor. I had to laugh when one of the ladies at church commented that David "must be from Carolina" because everybody she knows in Carolina has a grape arbor. I sure do look forward to having some yummy grapes. Unfortunately, we have to wait until next summer.
We also hung David's bird feeders. Hannah and I bought him a new bird feeder for the backyard as a birthday present. We also planted a pink dogwood tree. Next we will plant our garden - I can hardly wait!
Today I am thankful for quality time spent with my man working in the yard! :)
We also hung David's bird feeders. Hannah and I bought him a new bird feeder for the backyard as a birthday present. We also planted a pink dogwood tree. Next we will plant our garden - I can hardly wait!
Today I am thankful for quality time spent with my man working in the yard! :)
Day 14 - posted late
Today I am thankful for yard work. I had so much fun working in my yard this weekend. I was busily cleaning my house on Saturday morning when I saw my dad come down my driveway on the blue tractor. I came outside to see what he was doing - he was clearing the brush out from my front yard. The land where we built our house used to be a field. There is a creek that serves as the boundary for the property. Over the years, it has become overgrown with brush - vines, briars, weeds, ivy. We started clearing the yard mid-morning. At 5:45 when we finally stopped, we had cleared off at least 20 more feet for the yard. David worked on pulling up the silt fence from the construction of the house. Thankfully the tractor was a tremendous help. Actually, rephrase that, my parents, especially my dad, were a tremendous help. Doing yard work was a great family activity and we had so much fun together, especially when I got to drive the tractor. :)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Day 13 - posted late
I love living in Richmond. When David and I were first married, he carried me off to Greensboro, NC. Though moving away from home was great for our marriage, I missed my city! When we moved back to Richmond just before Hannah turned a year old, I realized why I missed Richmond so much...I love seeing people I know while I am out and about running errands, dining out or shopping. Take last night for example...David, Hannah and I met Amy, Matt and Jack for dinner at Texas Roadhouse. While we were there, I saw 14 people, 11 of whom were former students. I really do like seeing my former "kids" - and often they are the ones who see me first and come up to speak to me.
Sometimes it drives David crazy when I see people I know, especially if he is in a hurry. When I know I need to accomplish a task quickly, I typically avoid Mechanicsville...haha. I think that if I had started teaching school while we were living in Greensboro, I would not have been so homesick. When we lived in Greensboro, I hated going out because I never saw a familiar face. As a school teacher you not only teach a crew of kids each year, but you become involved with the community and your fellow teachers. I am definitely a social person - I thrive on interacting with others. David, on the other hand, is my homebody. We make quite the pair ;)
So, today I am thankful for my city - Richmond. Not only do I love the sights and sounds, but also the people who live here - my family, friends and students!
Sometimes it drives David crazy when I see people I know, especially if he is in a hurry. When I know I need to accomplish a task quickly, I typically avoid Mechanicsville...haha. I think that if I had started teaching school while we were living in Greensboro, I would not have been so homesick. When we lived in Greensboro, I hated going out because I never saw a familiar face. As a school teacher you not only teach a crew of kids each year, but you become involved with the community and your fellow teachers. I am definitely a social person - I thrive on interacting with others. David, on the other hand, is my homebody. We make quite the pair ;)
So, today I am thankful for my city - Richmond. Not only do I love the sights and sounds, but also the people who live here - my family, friends and students!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
on the 12th day of thankfulness
When I was in high school, I worked as a courtesy clerk at Ukrop's. One of the company's core values was treating others as we personally liked to be treated. otherwise known as the Golden Rule. Supreme customer service was expected of employees 100% of the time. That foundation of respect for my fellow man had been instilled in me from the time I could walk and talk. My parents always expected be to respond to my elders politely as well as carry on polite conversation. Working at Ukrop's continued to remind me of my respectful values. Now when I am shopping, I have come to expect that same type of customer service. Though Ukrop's is now closed its doors, I am thankful for the values the company instilled in me as well as its other 1000+ associates.
Throughout college I kept returning to Ukrop's for seasonal work as a cashier. I could always count on my job during my breaks, so, when David and I moved back to Richmond, it was only natural for me to turn to Ukrop's for a job. As a full-time associate in HR, I worked as the education and training coordinator for new associates. I enjoyed teaching the core classes to new associates. Though there were many days spent sweating while setting up the Tarragon Room, the hard work paid off! When I taught those classes, I could tell I held the attention of the people in the room. When I realized I commanded their attention, my dream of being a teacher resurfaced. Thanks, Ukrop's, for reminding me of my dream. When I told Bobby Ukrop that I was leaving, he told me how proud he was of me for pursuing my dream. What a compliment to know that the president of such a great company was one of my biggest cheerleaders. :)
Throughout college I kept returning to Ukrop's for seasonal work as a cashier. I could always count on my job during my breaks, so, when David and I moved back to Richmond, it was only natural for me to turn to Ukrop's for a job. As a full-time associate in HR, I worked as the education and training coordinator for new associates. I enjoyed teaching the core classes to new associates. Though there were many days spent sweating while setting up the Tarragon Room, the hard work paid off! When I taught those classes, I could tell I held the attention of the people in the room. When I realized I commanded their attention, my dream of being a teacher resurfaced. Thanks, Ukrop's, for reminding me of my dream. When I told Bobby Ukrop that I was leaving, he told me how proud he was of me for pursuing my dream. What a compliment to know that the president of such a great company was one of my biggest cheerleaders. :)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Day 11 - health
My paternal grandmother, Nana, lived to the ripe old age of 93. Save a few days when she had to stay in the nursing home for a quick rehab, she lived in her own house until the last few days of her life. My maternal grandmother, Grandma, is now 93 and lives on her own. I find it remarkable that these two strong, independent women, who were both widowed, continued to live life virtually uninterrupted with health issues. Often my little aches and pains are silenced when I remember there are so many in our world who daily suffer due to poor health. I am so thankful to be healthy! As I grow older, I hope I will continue to draw inspiration from my grandmothers and their good health.
Today, I am thankful for good health! Cheers!
Today, I am thankful for good health! Cheers!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Day 10 celebrating birthdays
Happy birthday, David! Today I am thankful for DAVID! Thank you, David, for loving me without question!
It's hard to believe sometimes that David and I have been together for almost 17 time flies. Within three weeks of meeting David, I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. What an amazing ride it's been so far! I look forward to celebrating his birthdays for the rest of his life. :) I love you, baby.
It's hard to believe sometimes that David and I have been together for almost 17 time flies. Within three weeks of meeting David, I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. What an amazing ride it's been so far! I look forward to celebrating his birthdays for the rest of his life. :) I love you, baby.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Day 9 - on time!
Tomorrow is David's birthday, so today I am thankful for the union of his parents! Though I never met David's dad, his family has faithfully provided us with a better understanding of his strong character. David's mom did such a great job raising him - thank goodness I not only married a man of morals and values, but also a man who is unafraid to show his emotions.
Today I am thankful for the union of parents, especially parents married because of love.
Today I am thankful for the union of parents, especially parents married because of love.
day 8 - late
day 8 I am writing this blog on my droid so please forgive my errors.
Today I'm thankful for unexpected visits from friends. Over the last few weeks, I've had two unexpected visits from old, dear friends. I love the opportunity to show my friends my new house while spending time catching up on the events in their lives. I also love that I now live so close to my friends. I didn't realize just how much the 25 miles distance really impacted me before. Now I treasure the times that friends just drop by. There are many times people will see us in the yard and just stop by. I LOVE it!
Today I'm thankful for unexpected visits from friends. Over the last few weeks, I've had two unexpected visits from old, dear friends. I love the opportunity to show my friends my new house while spending time catching up on the events in their lives. I also love that I now live so close to my friends. I didn't realize just how much the 25 miles distance really impacted me before. Now I treasure the times that friends just drop by. There are many times people will see us in the yard and just stop by. I LOVE it!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Day 7 - posted a day late
Day 7 was a day spent full of thankfulness for my ability to read. Honestly, I was lost in a book almost half of the day. There are few things better than letting yourself become completely absorbed into a fantastic book. I have often thought that most things I need to know in life I read in a book....the Bible, romance novels, mysteries, non-fiction, children's books...just to name a few.
Recently the faculty at Atlee was asked to provide a title of our favorite book from high school or college. I loved so many books that I am not sure I can come up with one title.
I am currently reading a historical fiction, Broken Jewel, by David Robbins, a local Richmond author. Last weekend I finished (finally) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I have four other books on my coffee table waiting patiently for me. Two of the books were written by Bill Lohmann, another local author. I try to read daily, including the newspaper. I subscribe to Richmond Magazine, and I used to get the Rolling Stone. Though the Rolling Stone is a bit raunchy, the writing in unbelievably good.
Recently the faculty at Atlee was asked to provide a title of our favorite book from high school or college. I loved so many books that I am not sure I can come up with one title.
I am currently reading a historical fiction, Broken Jewel, by David Robbins, a local Richmond author. Last weekend I finished (finally) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I have four other books on my coffee table waiting patiently for me. Two of the books were written by Bill Lohmann, another local author. I try to read daily, including the newspaper. I subscribe to Richmond Magazine, and I used to get the Rolling Stone. Though the Rolling Stone is a bit raunchy, the writing in unbelievably good.
Friday, February 18, 2011
6 days of thankfulness
Today is Friday! I hate to keep going on about the bad week I've had, but seriously, this week was rough. I am looking forward to the weekend and our warm weather. :)
Today I am thankful for God's perfect timing - and His gentle reminders of our purpose. David, who has also had a rough week at work, receives a daily Bible verse on his phone. The following was his verse for today - I thought it was quite fitting for this week:
Colossians 3: 23-24
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.
These verses were certainly the reminder that I needed today. Today I am thankful for God's perfect timing (and His sense of humor).
Today I am thankful for God's perfect timing - and His gentle reminders of our purpose. David, who has also had a rough week at work, receives a daily Bible verse on his phone. The following was his verse for today - I thought it was quite fitting for this week:
Colossians 3: 23-24
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.
These verses were certainly the reminder that I needed today. Today I am thankful for God's perfect timing (and His sense of humor).
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Day 5 of thankfulness
Wow! Another rough day - I guess God knew I needed to be reminded of my blessings when I started this blog. Let's hope that the next 25 days will be a little easier.
Today I am thankful for my student, Emily, who is the editor of my school newspaper. As an publications' adviser (yearbook and newspaper), I often teach students for four years. It has been a blessing to watch Emily mature from a shy student with little self-confidence, to a young lady who excels as a leader.
In the last issue of the paper, Emily wrote an article about the school superintendent's retirement (after interviewing him for 45 minutes before writing the article). Earlier this week I received an e-mail from Roberson congratulating Emily for her well-written article. Today we had a search committee meeting for the new superintendent. Emily attended this meeting both as an interested student and journalist. She participated in the forum and offered her opinion. For a young lady who was so shy, she has come a long way!
So, today I am thankful for Emily, my newspaper editor-in-chief.
Today I am thankful for my student, Emily, who is the editor of my school newspaper. As an publications' adviser (yearbook and newspaper), I often teach students for four years. It has been a blessing to watch Emily mature from a shy student with little self-confidence, to a young lady who excels as a leader.
In the last issue of the paper, Emily wrote an article about the school superintendent's retirement (after interviewing him for 45 minutes before writing the article). Earlier this week I received an e-mail from Roberson congratulating Emily for her well-written article. Today we had a search committee meeting for the new superintendent. Emily attended this meeting both as an interested student and journalist. She participated in the forum and offered her opinion. For a young lady who was so shy, she has come a long way!
So, today I am thankful for Emily, my newspaper editor-in-chief.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Day 4
Today was one of those days - a day where you feel completely overwhelmed and the work just keeps coming. So, though I said I was going to try to avoid writing about material objects, I am breaking that rule today.
Today I am thankful for my earrings. My earrings are long, dangly, sparkly, girly earrings. And, they match my sweater perfectly. I received several compliments today on my earrings and those compliments certainly helped me smile. So, today I am thankful for my earrings.
Today I am thankful for my earrings. My earrings are long, dangly, sparkly, girly earrings. And, they match my sweater perfectly. I received several compliments today on my earrings and those compliments certainly helped me smile. So, today I am thankful for my earrings.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Thankfulness - Day 3
Currently I am training for the Ukrop's Monument Avenue 10k. Unfortunately, I am NOT in good shape. To remedy this problem, I am training for the 10k. Though I am not as faithful as I should be about training, I am certainly improving - and the ache in my legs and thighs prove it! :)
So, today I am thankful for good pain as it is a reminder of fitness and the ability I have to exercise.
So, today I am thankful for good pain as it is a reminder of fitness and the ability I have to exercise.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Day 2 of thanks
Today I am thankful for sacrifice.
37 years ago today, the world lost a father, husband, brother, uncle, cousin, and friend.David's dad was killed in the line of duty as a police officer in Greensboro, NC after responding to a suspicious subject call. David was 8 days shy of turning a year old.
Over the 16+ years David and I have been together, Valentine's Day has come to mean something so much more than a Hallmark holiday. It is a day to remember the sacrifice one father gave to protect his community (and, in a greater sense, his family).
AGC - End of Watch - February 14, 1974
<3 Heaven gained another angel this day
Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrifice on the cross - one day I will finally get to meet my father-in-law because of Your sacrifice for my sins.
37 years ago today, the world lost a father, husband, brother, uncle, cousin, and friend.David's dad was killed in the line of duty as a police officer in Greensboro, NC after responding to a suspicious subject call. David was 8 days shy of turning a year old.
Over the 16+ years David and I have been together, Valentine's Day has come to mean something so much more than a Hallmark holiday. It is a day to remember the sacrifice one father gave to protect his community (and, in a greater sense, his family).
AGC - End of Watch - February 14, 1974
<3 Heaven gained another angel this day
Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrifice on the cross - one day I will finally get to meet my father-in-law because of Your sacrifice for my sins.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
30 days of Thanks
Ok, so I know that this month is definitely NOT November - traditionally the month during which we pause to be thankful - but, I have made the firm decision to find something for which I am thankful each day for the next thirty days. I hope to post every day, even if it is just a quick thought. Though I cannot predict what each day will bring, I hope to steer away from material items and instead focus on the things money can' t buy.
Today I am thankful for Sunday afternoon walks with my dad.
About a month ago I walked to my parent's house and found my dad working outside on the car. I convinced him to put on his tennis shoes so we could get some exercise. An hour later, we emerged from Grandma's woods after an adventure down memory lane. We started off walking through "the big pasture" and entered her woods near the wheat field. I could not believe the amount of ivy that had grown over the years in the woods. It covered the ground and trees and continued to ramble its way to the "Big Creek." There Dad stopped to tell stories of how he and Granddaddy used to drive the green farm truck on the road beside the creek. Now only snippets of the road remain. I found two old trashcans which raging flood waters had carried downstream, plastic bags hanging in tree branches marking previous flood waters, and tangled brush caught in the barbed wire.
Even with all of the mess (ivy, trash cans, plastic bags, brush and briars), his stories rang in my ears.
Now, each Sunday afternoon, we meet to walk - or complete some other task he deems necessary. Last week we washed and vacuumed my SUV.
I am thankful for times spent with him.
Today I am thankful for Sunday afternoon walks with my dad.
About a month ago I walked to my parent's house and found my dad working outside on the car. I convinced him to put on his tennis shoes so we could get some exercise. An hour later, we emerged from Grandma's woods after an adventure down memory lane. We started off walking through "the big pasture" and entered her woods near the wheat field. I could not believe the amount of ivy that had grown over the years in the woods. It covered the ground and trees and continued to ramble its way to the "Big Creek." There Dad stopped to tell stories of how he and Granddaddy used to drive the green farm truck on the road beside the creek. Now only snippets of the road remain. I found two old trashcans which raging flood waters had carried downstream, plastic bags hanging in tree branches marking previous flood waters, and tangled brush caught in the barbed wire.
Even with all of the mess (ivy, trash cans, plastic bags, brush and briars), his stories rang in my ears.
Now, each Sunday afternoon, we meet to walk - or complete some other task he deems necessary. Last week we washed and vacuumed my SUV.
I am thankful for times spent with him.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The Desk
So, tonight my desk came in. I have been on the hunt for a desk for my office since we moved in October. Recently I cannot seem to make quick decision, especially when it comes to decorating. I looked at several consignment and antique shops for an old desk, but to no avail. So, I purchase one at the local unfinished furniture mart.
I am in heaven. Not that grading papers is my favorite way to spend an evening, but I do like that I can spread my papers out on the desk AND use my laptop at the same time. Novel concept, I know.
Now just to figure out a paint or stain color for this lovely slab of wood. :)
I am in heaven. Not that grading papers is my favorite way to spend an evening, but I do like that I can spread my papers out on the desk AND use my laptop at the same time. Novel concept, I know.
Now just to figure out a paint or stain color for this lovely slab of wood. :)
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Phase II
Decorating Phase II has begun. I am currently working on the large wall in my family room. Because the ceilings are so very tall, I felt the need to "ease" the imposing height. I found old shutters on the farm the other day, so I thought they would make great decorations! After cleaning off a century's worth of dirt and cobwebs using my shower and utility sink, the shutters were ready to hang. I laid out the plan on my floor first, and then took off some of the old hardware (otherwise the shutters won't lay flat on the wall). I plan to use the hardware as hooks around the house. :) I love to recycle!
The glow is the light in the dining room.
Though I have over 30 windows in my house (31 to be exact), I do not have many windows where sun streams in; this is partly due to the placement of the house on the land, but also due to the double front porches and screened back porch. I have four more stained glass windows I purchased from my favorite spot at the beach (Hatteras!). I originally planned to hang the windows so the sunlight would hit them. But, without the direct sunlight, I have decided to hang the other windows on the wall. The shutters from above will frame them. :)
So, check back soon to see the progress. Until then, I hope you are letting your enter light shine!
We actually screwed the shutters into the wall - so they definitely better work out! Tomorrow we will hang my stained glass window collection here. More pics to follow.
I love stained glass - what a beautiful art form. I was inspired by my friend, Heather, to add this art form into my house. So, here's my stained glass window I framed into the wall of the house as we were bulding....this is between the dining room and main hallway.
The glow is the light in the dining room.
Though I have over 30 windows in my house (31 to be exact), I do not have many windows where sun streams in; this is partly due to the placement of the house on the land, but also due to the double front porches and screened back porch. I have four more stained glass windows I purchased from my favorite spot at the beach (Hatteras!). I originally planned to hang the windows so the sunlight would hit them. But, without the direct sunlight, I have decided to hang the other windows on the wall. The shutters from above will frame them. :)
So, check back soon to see the progress. Until then, I hope you are letting your enter light shine!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Crafty times

So, now that we have been in the new house for a few months, I am really getting anxious to decorate some of the wall space. I have posted a few areas I have already completed. Above is my Thomas Kinkade wall. While I am still a fan of his work, it is a bit more traditional than my taste, so, finding the perfect wall was important. I started with the largest picture and just arranged from there. David kept asking me, "Are you sure you know what you are doing?!" I assured him this designing comes naturally thanks to yearbook!
I am now working on my initial wall - thanks for the inspiration Regina! I have not gotten very far with this one as I am waiting for my collection to grow. I've had fun painting the wooden "C's" that were given to me by my mom. :) I have actually added more since I took this picture; will try to repost that image soon.
I am also busy at work creating curtains - and driving my mom insane in the meantime! She helped me sew the curtains after I spent hours picking out material. So, here is the unfinished version of the kitchen curtains. I still need to add the ribbon to these.
My windows are not standard size, so finding curtains, much less fashionable material, has been frustrating. So, custom window treatments by Marilyn it has been. Thanks, Mom! Will add pics of the dining room curtains soon.
Right now I am on the hunt for cool decoration ideas for my stained glass windows. Will keep you posted on what I find. Be sure to share with me if you have any good ideas. (of course, I post these comments with the hopes that someone out there is reading this!)
Before I sign off, here is one of our Christmas trees and our mantle (that David built and I designed!)
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